The 11 Best Indoor Bonsai Trees

Three bonsai trees

Bonsai trees are a great way to appreciate the beauty of nature indoors. They can be used to add a touch of greenery to any room and can also be a source of relaxation and peace. There are many different varieties of bonsai trees that can be grown indoors, but our choice of the 11 best are listed below.

Ginseng Ficus

The Ginseng Ficus, also known as the Banyan Fig, is a unique bonsai tree popular for its dark green leaves. This indoor bonsai tree is a member of the fig family and is native to Southeast Asia. It has small, dark green leaves and produces small white flowers. It is a popular choice for bonsai enthusiasts because it is easy to care for and can be kept in a small pot.

The Ginseng Ficus is a medium-sized indoor bonsai tree that can reach a height of about 15 inches. The plant does not produce much of its own foliage, but it has bright red leaves that are visible from several feet away. Ginseng Ficus is a very slow-growing plant and should be kept in a container that has been trimmed to the same size as the pot. The tree will grow to approximately 15 inches in height, but it can be pruned to keep it shorter.

The Ginseng Ficus is also very easy to maintain. You definitely can not go wrong Gensing Ficus bonsai tree. Give it proper hydration, and it should be trouble-free. The plant does not produce much of its own foliage, but it has bright red leaves that are visible from several feet away. The Ginseng Ficus is a great indoor bonsai tree because it do not require much light, it can stay indoors year-round, and it is very easy to care for. It can be trained into several different styles. It will grow best when pruned regularly.

Purchase a Ginseng Ficus Bonsai Tree

Juniper Bonsai  

When it comes to bonsai trees, the Juniper is a popular favorite among indoor enthusiasts. This tree is tolerant of a wide variety of growing conditions and can be easily trained into various shapes. The Juniper is also one of the few trees that can tolerate low light and humidity levels, making it an ideal choice for those who don’t have a lot of space or live in a dry climate.

One of the great things about junipers is that there are so many different varieties to choose from. From the prostrate “Sargent’s juniper” to the tall and stately “Shimpaku”, there’s sure to be a juniper that will fit your style.

Some people find the needles on junipers to be prickly, but this can be easily remedied by using a wire brush to smooth them down.

Purchase a Juniper Bonsai Tree

Dwarf Jade Bonsai

The dwarf jade bonsai tree, also known as the Crassula Ovata, is a popular choice for indoor bonsai enthusiasts. This small tree can be easily trained and has beautiful foliage that adds a touch of greenery to any room. The dwarf jade bonsai tree does best in bright, indirect sunlight and prefers moderate humidity levels. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch and feed it with a balanced bonsai fertilizer every other month.

Purchase a Dwarf Jade Bonsai Tree

Chinese Elm Bonsai

The Chinese Elm, also known as the Ulmus Parvifolia, is a common choice for bonsai because of its hardiness, small size, and attractive foliage. It grows slowly, so it’s perfect for the bonsai enthusiast who doesn’t have a lot of time to devote to care and cultivation. Chinese Elms are tolerant of many different soil types and light conditions, making them relatively easy to care for. They can be kept indoors or outdoors, depending on your climate and the desired effect.

The leaves of the Chinese Elm are small and delicate, with a bright green color that stands out against the dark branches. The tree can grow up to 25 feet tall in its natural environment, but it will stay much smaller when grown as a bonsai.

Purchase a Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree

Ponytail Palm Bonsai

The ponytail palm, also known as the Beaucarnea Recurvata, is a succulent bonsai that is native to Mexico and Central America. This slow-growing tree can reach heights of up to 20 feet, but it is commonly kept as a bonsai with a height of 6-10 inches. The long, strap-like leaves of the ponytail palm are what give this tree its name – they look like a pony’s tail. This bonsai does well indoors, and only needs moderate watering and sunlight.

This slow-growing tree can reach heights of up to 30 feet in the wild, but can be kept much smaller when grown as a bonsai. The Ponytail Palm is tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions and is perfect for both indoor and outdoor bonsai gardens.

Purchase a Ponytail Palm Bonsai Tree

Ming Aralia Bonsai

The Ming Aralia, also known as the Polyscias Fruticosa, is a beautiful bonsai that is native to the tropical forests of Polynesia. This tree has dark green leaves that are about 2-4 inches long and have a lacy appearance. The Ming Aralia can be easily trained into a bonsai and is relatively low maintenance. It does best in full sun or partial shade and prefers moist soil.

The Ming Aralia is a popular indoor bonsai tree that is easy to care for and relatively hardy. It has dark green leaves that are up to a foot long and 8 inches wide. The leaves are oval with a pointed tip, and the veins on the underside of the leaf are prominent. The branches of the Ming Aralia bonsai tree are thick and sturdy, and it can grow quite large if allowed to do so. This bonsai tree does best in full sun or partial shade, and it requires moderate water and fertilizer.

Purchase a Ming Aralia Bonsai Tree

Norfolk Island Pine

Norfolk Island Pine, also known as the Araucaria Heterophylla, is a beautiful evergreen tree that can be grown indoors. It has a symmetrical shape and grows slowly, making it a good choice for bonsai enthusiasts. Norfolk Island Pine prefers full sun or partial shade and moist but well-drained soil.

Purchase a Norfolk Island Pine Bonsai Tree

Malayan Banyan

The Malayan Banyan is a type of bonsai tree that is popular for indoor use and a great tree for beginners. It is a small tree that can be kept in a pot or container and does not require a lot of space. Malyan Banyan is native to India and Sri Lanka and has been cultivated for centuries. The tree can be trained to grow in different shapes and styles, making it a popular choice for bonsai enthusiasts.

Purchase a Malayan Banyan Bonsai Tree

Snow Rose

The Snow rose bonsai tree, also known as Serissa Japonica, is a unique and beautiful addition to any garden or home. This type of bonsai tree is native to the cold climates of Asia and Europe and is known for its delicate blooms that resemble snowflakes. Snow rose bonsai trees are easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of climates, making them a perfect choice for gardeners and homeowners in all parts of the world.

Purchase a Snow Rose Bonsai Tree

Fukien Tea

The Fukien tea bonsai tree, also known as Carmona, is a small, evergreen tree that is native to China. It has dark green leaves that are about 2 inches long. The flowers are white and fragrant. The Fukien tea tree is great for use as an indoor bonsai tree. It is popular for its dark green leaves and fragrant white flowers. This slow-growing tree can be kept at a height of 6 to 12 inches.

This is a small tree that can be kept in a pot or container and does not require a lot of care or maintenance and a great tree for beginners and those who are new to bonsai trees. This tree can also be grown outdoors and has a long lifespan. It is also resistant to pests and diseases, making it a low-maintenance choice for gardeners.

The Carmona bonsai tree flowers and fruit are beautiful and unique. The flowers are small, white, and grow in clusters. The fruit is a bright red. The fruit is edible, but it is sour and has a bitter taste.

Purchase a Fukien Tea Bonsai Tree

Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai

The Hawaiian Umbrella tree, also known as the Schefflera Arboricola, is a tropical bonsai that is native to Hawaii. This evergreen tree has dark green leaves that are about 3-4 inches long. The Hawaiian Umbrella tree can be kept indoors or outdoors and does well in both high and low humidity levels.

Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai tree is a small tree that is perfect for growing indoors. It has a compact growth habit and beautiful umbrella-shaped leaves that make it a popular choice for bonsai enthusiasts. Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai tree is easy to care for, and can be kept in a pot or in the ground.

Purchase a Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai Tree


In conclusion, indoor bonsai trees can be a great addition to any home. They are low-maintenance plants that can improve the air quality in your home and add a touch of nature to your décor. This list is just 11 types of indoor bonsai trees, so you can find the perfect one for your home. If you are interested in adding an indoor bonsai tree to your home, I recommend purchasing one from here.